International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
VOLUME 25(19) (2024)
The impact of the ultrasound-assisted extraction process on the extracted solution from dried asparagus roots (Asparagus officinalis L.)
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Giang1* and Tran Van Khai2
1Experimental-practical Area, An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh city, 880000, Vietnam
2Crop Science Department, Agriculture and Natural Resource Faculty, An Giang University, Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh city, 880000, Vietnam
The root of Asparagus officinalis L., considered an herbaceous by-product, possesses substantial potential for the production of value-added food items due to its remarkable nutritional attributes and distinctive flavor and fragrance profile. This study specifically focused on identifying an impact of advanced extraction using ultrasonic technique to obtain the most nutrients content and other functional features. The study investigated the impact of different power level (140, 180, 220, and 260) and durations (10, 15, 20, and 25 minutes) during the extraction process on the quality of the extracted solution including bioactive compounds (vitamin C, phenolic, flavonoid, saponin) and antioxidant capacity of extracted solution from dried asparagus roots. Optimal parameters for the extraction under the assist of ultrasonic were 180 W for 20 minutes. Under this condition, the extracted solution from dried asparagus roots presented the highest amount of nutrients (saccharose, vitamin C, phenolic, flavonoid, and saponin) and antioxidant capacity (DPPH and FRAP) (per 100 g dry matter) with 1.50 g, 1.06 g, 0.63 g TAE, 0.15 g QE, 1.39 g SE, 58.15%, and 1.27 M Fe2+, respectively. This study well illustrated the effects of ultrasonic technique on the extraction process of the dried crop product especially asparagus root. The results are able to provide useful outcomes with the aim to investigate the most appropriate parameters for the extraction process based on the content of nutrients and bioactivity from the obtained solution.
Keywords: Antioxidant capacity, bioactive compounds, temperature, time, ultrasound-assisted
Full length article – PDF *Corresponding Author, e-mail: Doi #
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