International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
VOLUME 25(19) (2024)
Potential Microbes for Microplastic Biodegradation: Bibliometric Analysis using VOSviewer
Laras Finesha Melania*, Aprilina Purbasari
Master Study Program, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
The current study aimed at assessing the significant impact of plastic waste on ecosystems has raised concerns regarding its detrimental effects. Microplastics are extensively spread and a significant contaminant in our environment. Microplastics are microscopic plastic particles (< 5mm) found in the environment which come from agrarian, businesses and home trash. Plastic particles are more durable because they include the plasticizers and chemicals or additives. Plastic pollutants are more resilient to degradation. Improper recycling and over use of plastic cause a considerable quantity of debris to accumulate in the natural landscape addressing danger to both humans and creatures. There is a strong urge to reduce microplastic pollution through various methods to prevent environmental hazards. Degradation through biological processes or biodegradation is one of the methods that can be applied depending on several factors such as chemical structures, functional groups, molecular weights, crystallinity, and additives. The several microbes that are used as agents to degrade molecular plastic have not been extensively studied. Sort out mandatorily for it to degrade due to microplastic problems. This review takes an advances towards different microbes to degrade different polymers by assembling data from Dimension, Scopus and VOS Viewers as analysis tools. This current study highlights the potentiality bacteria and fungi to breakdown plastic. To the current state of our study comprehension, this serve as the earliest article mapping trend in scope of potential microorganism capability to microplastic biodegradation waste with the highlight to aligning such endeavors with the commitment of sustainable development.
Keywords: Pollutant, Microplastic, Biodegradation, Microorganism
Full length article – PDF *Corresponding Author, e-mail: Doi #
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