International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
VOLUME 25(19) (2024)
Quality of Polled Bali Bull Spermatozoa Results from Sexing Using the Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Column Method
Andi Tifal Nurgina1, Ekayanti Mulyawati Kaiin2, Erni Damayanti2,3, Sudirman Baco3, Herry Sonjaya3, Sri Gustina3, & Hasbi Hasbi 3*
1Graduate Student of Animal Science and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, Indonesia 90245
2Research Center for Applied Zoology, National Research and Innovation Agency Jl. Raya Bogor-Jakarta Km.46, Cibinong, Indonesia 16911
3Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km.10, Makassar, Indonesia 90245
Polled Bali cattle are a variant of Bali cattle whose horns do not grow naturally. The development of Bali polled cattle is crucial in reducing the risk of injury to livestock due to mutual antlers. Increased and efficient productivity of Bali polled cattle can increased by implementing Artificial Insemination (AI) technology using sexed semen. One factor in the success of artificial insemination is the quality of the semen used. This research aimed to determine the quality of polled Bali bull spermatozoa resulting from sexing using the bovine serum albumin (BSA) column method. This research used semen from three polled Bali bulls, which were then sexed using the 5% and 10% BSA column method. Spermatozoa resulting from sexing were evaluated microscopically in terms of viability, abnormalities, and intact plasma membrane (IPM) using an Olympus CX23 microscope as well as motility, progressive motility, and kinematics of spermatozoa using Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). The data obtained was analyzed using the independent T-test. The results showed that the motility, viability, abnormalities, and intact plasma membrane (IPM) of spermatozoa in the upper fraction were 37.64±5.26%, 56.60±4.24%, 14.83±3.90%, and 55.97±1.43%, respectively, while in the lower fraction, they were 46.39±1.56%, 61.13±2.10%, 16.21±3.37%, and 60.99±2.67% respectively, which are statistically significantly different (P<0.05) in motility, viability, and IPM parameters. Meanwhile, the progressive motility and kinematics of upper fraction and lower fraction spermatozoa obtained were statistically significantly different in the parameters of progressive motility, VAP, VCL, and VSL. The quality of Bali Polled bull spermatozoa resulting from sexing in the upper fraction is lower than in the lower fraction.
Keywords: Polled Bali bull, sexing spermatozoa, BSA column.
Full length article – PDF *Corresponding Author, e-mail: Doi #
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