International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
VOLUME 26(20) (2024)
Pharmacodynamics of Depot-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate Side Effects and Complications Associated with Body Mass Index in Users of the Network of Healyh Establishments in Southern Morocco
Aslaou Fatima1, Halima Ibrahimi2, Chbabe milouda3, Barkat Amina1
1Research Team on Health and Nutrition of Mother and Child, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco.
2Higher Institutes for Nursing and Health Technology, and Higher Institutes of Nursing and Health Technology Professions, Ministry of health and social protection, Rabat, Morocco
3Higher Institute of Health Sciences, Hassan 1st Settat University, Morocco.
Correctly practiced, the use of injectable hormonal contraceptive is one of the most effective popular methods as it contains progesterone and provides protection for a period of twelve weeks, suppressing ovulation. According to the latest WHO estimates, only 64% of women aged 15-49 who are married or in a consensual union are using any form of contraception. Designed for the treatment of endometriosis, precocious puberty and premature delivery, medroxyprogesterone acetate has been adopted as a long-term contraceptive drug. In Morocco, the recruitment rate of women of reproductive age reached 18.41 in 2021, with the Dakhla-Oued-eddahab region having the highest prevalence with a rate of 18.2. This is a cohort observational analytical study, conducted among 306 women, one of whom is obese and the other with normal bmi. Local ethics committees approved the investigation. The association between exposure to depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate in two cohorts, one with bmi<30 and the other with bmi>30, was analyzed by SPSS (version23) for the different side effects and complications and by Epi-info for the epidemiological analysis. In terms of results, they show that the side effects related to dmpa exposure according to age, varies significantly (p<0.001) between the age group under 24 years. In addition, dmpa users with bmi>30 have a risk of weight gain 1.52 times that of dmpa users with bmi<30.For complications, the incidence of ovarian cancer in obese women is higher than in women with bmi <30, RR: 0.63 (0.7, 0.89), but dmpa use in obese women plays a protective role RR: 1.03 (0.7, 0.85).
Keywords: Women of reproductive age, obesity, side effect, complication, depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate
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