International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (ISSN 2226-9614)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
VOLUME 26(20) (2024)
Rheological, Physicochemical, and Organoleptic Properties of High-Fiber Biscuits Incorporated with Unpollinated Barhi Date Fruit Powder
Suha M. Al-Huthaly1, Zeinab A. Shabib1,2, El Sayed A. Abd El-Hady1,3, Nada A. AlZunaidy1*
1Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, College of Agriculture and Food, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
2Food Technology Research. Institute, Agriculture Research Center Giza, Egypt
3Hotel Studies Department, Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt
This research aims to utilize Unpollinated Barhi Date Fruit Powder (UBDFP) harvested at the Khalal maturity stage for creating functional biscuits that are high in fiber content and cost-effective. This involves substituting wheat flour with varying proportions of UBDFP, specifically 5%, 10%, and 15%, and investigating its impact on the rheological characteristics of the biscuit dough as well as the physical, chemical, and sensory attributes of the final biscuits. The results showed a clear effect on the rheological properties of the biscuit dough, with an increase in the water absorption ratio of the flour and dough development time, and a decrease in its stability time with an increase in the replacement ratios due to the high fiber content in the UBDFP and its low gluten content. The highest protein content was recorded in the control biscuit at 6.53%, and the lowest in the sample of UBDFP at 15%, which was 6.22%. The results also showed an increase in the reducing sugars to 1.57% at a replacement ratio of 15% of UBDFP, with no significant differences in ash content between the control sample at 1.22% and both replacement samples of UBDFP at 5 and 10%, which were 1.41 and 1.67%, respectively. The highest ash content was found at a replacement ratio of 15% of UBDFP at 1.77%. There were significant differences in fiber content between the control sample and each of the other three treatments, where the fiber content increased from 2.32% in the control sample to 4.14% for the sample of UBDFP at 15%. There were no significant differences between all treatments and the control in the content of total phenolic compounds, with values ranging from 8 to 9 milligrams gallic acid equivalent per 100 g. of dry sample, Based on the results of sensory evaluation, which is the final decision factor for consumers to accept or reject a food product. Therefor, it can be recommended to convert non-marketable Barhi dates, including ” Unpollinated ” ones, into powder added as a fiber-enriched, antioxidant, and health-enhancing due to their phytochemicals and low fat content, potentially reducing cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer risks, attributed to their dietary fiber content which aids in stomach function and cholesterol reduction and substance in biscuit production at a ratio of up to 10% to maximize its utilization.
Keywords: nutrition; Attitude to health, dietary fiber, High fiber, functional foods and biscuits.
Full length article *Corresponding Author, e-mail:
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- International Journal of Chemical and Biochemical Sciences (IJCBS)
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